Monday, March 2, 2020

Subject Boring

Subject Boring Here lately, Ive been running wide out with deadlines and tasks atop of sick relatives, surgery, a new puppy, and the ice storm from hell. That not only throws me in high gear, but it also makes me sort at a glance much like an agent. Sort what, you might ask? Emails, blogs to read, submissions for FundsforWriters, and requests for reviews. And you might be surprised at the key factor I use in deleting or holding to read. The quality of the subject line. Hey, when time is crazy limited, and I have chapters to write and newsletters to prepare, something has to give. Im a fast reader Yeah, that latter part sounds stupid, but that literally runs through my head. Will I regret having missed this? Butit has to start with the subject. Okay, lets talk about whats good and whats not. Ive snared these good ones from the past week. They got my attention and dragged me to their sites. How Much Should a Writer Charge for Speaking? How I Read Slush: 3 Lessons for Writers. 5 Ways to Add Humor to Your Writing. What doesnt work for me when Im in a pinch is general stuff like these. They tell me nothing. And unless the person being interviewed in the story is a huge household name, whats going to draw me in to read about an unknown? When writing about a relatively unknown individual, at least use the subject to spark interest. How to Write Better How to Build a Platform A Conversation with Novelist (fill in the blank) An Interview with (fill in the blank) A Visit with (fill in the blank) A Talk about Writing Rules On the line is something like: 3 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Published Three Is in the subject line tells me this piece is about the author, and not necessarily with focus on me and my needs. But I like learning about mistakes so I dont make them. This one is iffy. And if I happen to open up the piece, I scan first. Headers and subheaders then tell me whether to invest my time. Im not making this up! We read about this all the time. Agents, editors and publishers scan. They also have deadlines, sick relatives, surgery and snow. They have the same 24 hours as we do . . . and most of them actually have a life afterwards! So, after youve poured your heart and soul and deep intellect into a piece, whether its a blog post, a list post, or a submission, take serious time to title it skillfully. Think over-the-top wording because thats what captures a readers interest. If your subject doesnt snag them, they never get to read your beautiful words that follow.

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